How do I check out?

  1. First find the item you want to purchase, select the correct size, and quantity of the item. Then click the blue button "Add To Cart," located below the size list.
  2. After hitting the "Add To Cart" button, your website will redirect you to our "Cart" page. Verify the item(s) in your cart. Then want to click the button "Continue To Check Out."
  3. On the shipping page either log into your Fleet Feet profile, and continue to check out that way, or scroll down to continue with guest check out. On the same page called "Shipping Information," you will want to select your shipping method as either economy, standard, or expedited. Then fill out your information, and shipping address. Then you will want to click the box next to the "I'm not a robot," before finally clicking the "Continue" button.
  4. On the final page called  "Billing Information," you will want to input your credit card information, as well as any gift card information. (If your billing address is different that your shipping address, then please uncheck the box next to "Use Shipping Address," and then type in your correct billing address.) Once you finish with your credit card information you will then want to click the "Place Secure Order," button. Please make sure that there are no additional spaces surrounding your credit card number, or else the order will not process, and an error message will occur.

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